Paliclad - Palisade Security Fencing Upgrade

Paliclad - Collinson Fencing
Palisade Fencing is a great security fence and has been used for many years to secure industrial properties. But sometime the property needs that little bit more security to deter intruders or delay them a little longer.
Collinson Fencing are delighted to offer a new fencing system - Paliclad
Paliclad is specifically designed to be attached to an existing palisade fence so you can upgrade security without replacing the whole fence.
Paliclad is available in both the 4095 mesh system the high security 2089 mesh system and both are fitted using anti tamper security bolts. The newly designed system makes Paliclad quick and easy to attach to any palisade fence making this a cost effective way of upgrading security.
Polyester Powder Coated Paliclad
You can, of course, have your new Expanded Metal Paliclad finished with a polyester powder coated colour of your choice. The standard colours available are:

Obviously you can pick any colour you wish. For more information please visit our RAL Colours Page.
Please contact us today to arrange for your free, no obligation quotation.

All photos (execpt the bottom two on the right) are copyright Collinson Fencing and are of works carried out by Collinson Fencing.